The petrographic analysis (DS
423.41-45) revealed that all concretes were well consolidated
without encapsulated air. In terms of cracks no coarse or fine
cracks were observed and only very limited paste cracking were
found. As expected there was a tendency towards more paste cracks
in slag based concrete, and in concretes containing
The estimated parameters of
"internal stability" and "paste homogeneity" of the 15 concretes
are plotted below. There seems to be no apparent connection between
the reported microstructure parameters and e.g. the chloride
migration coefficients (NT Build 492) and chloride diffusion
coefficients (NT Build 443). In terms of "internal stability" and
"paste homogeneity" mix K is judged as having the worst
microstructure of all concretes, while it has the lowest chloride
migration and diffusion coefficients. In fact mix K does not
fulfill the Danish requirement to paste homogeneity at maximum 1
for concrete in environmental classes E and A.
Mix O with the superabsorbing polymers exhibits good "paste
homogeneity" and the best of all "internal stability". This is in
accordance with the previously reported internal curing effect of
the superabsorbing polymer. On the other hand this is not
translated into improved durability parameters for mix O, e.g. the
chloride migration coefficient is similar to that mix E, which is
the reference of mix O.