Femern A/S, the Owner of the coming
Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, through an open tender process selected the
Concrete Centre at Danish Technological Institute as its external
concrete laboratory.
The contract involved the design,
production and testing of a range of concrete types of interest to
Femern including some concrete blocks with instrumentation for
monitoring of the initaiation and progress of corrosion,
establishing an exposure site in Rødbyhavn harbour for long-term
testing of concrete, monitoring of the concrete at the exposure
An extensive testing program of the
selected fifteen concrete types including three SCCs was initiated
comprising documentation of:
- Workability, density, and air content
- Initial setting time and bleeding
- Strength development (compressive and split tensile)
- Frost resistance and air void structure
- Chloride ingress resistance
- Microstructure (petrographic analysis).
Click on the following links for
further information:
Design and production of
Initial concrete testing
Test results after
6 months of exposure
Test results after 2
years of exposure
Test results after 5
years of exposure
Test results after
10 years of exposure