Mechanical properties - Mix C - 2017 results
In Q2 of 2017 DTI produced nine
large beams for Femern A/S. All nine beams were produced with a
concrete similar to mix C "High Flyash" used for the exposure site.
Each beam required the production of 1.6 m3 of concrete,
i.e. seven batches using the DTI concrete mixing station.
The nominal mix design used was the
same as for the exposure site. The cement used was the same brand
name from Aalborg Portland as was used in 2009/2010, however, the
cement is now produced in a different kiln. Likewise the fly ash
was the same brand name from Emineral as in 2009/2010, however, the
ash was originating from a different power station. Fine aggregate
was Storebæltssand 0/2 from NCC Industri. It was dedged at
Bakkegrund Syd rather than Rønne Banke. However, test results
showed that the grain size distribution and mineralogy was very
similar to the fine aggregate used in 2009/2010. The course
aggregate was as in 2009/2010 crushed Rønne granite from NCC
Industri. The new batch had a higher absorption than in 2009/2010.
The air entraining admixture was the same (MasterAir 22SB), whereas
the superplasticizer was MasterGlenium SKY 631.
The development in mechanical
properties of the concrete in terms of compressive strength (EN
12390-3), splitting tensile strength (EN 12390-6), pure tensile
strength and E-modulus (DS 423.25) was determined on a single 250
liter batch. The water to cement ratio of the concrete was 0.398
and the air content 5.0%. The mechanical properties determined are
found in the table below.